Monday, September 16, 2024

Visit from family ❤️

We were so excited to welcome Brent’s parents and our nephew Ian in August ๐ŸŽ‰

Termite mound climbing

Walks in the bush

Enjoying a drive on the salt pans

This may be the last time daddy can toss this now 7 year old

Hand stands in the sunset

Our cabin at Nata Lodge

Elephant Sands stopover for breakfast 

Chobe River sunset

Getting gifts for family 

Boat cruise

My beautiful girl

Victoria Falls

Flying Fox-zip lining over Vic Falls

Our brave Ellie girl

Sunsets in Africa are epic

Fishing and Grandad caught a little Tiger fish

Bradyn caught a massive catfish

Fishing fun

Meerkats ❤️

Quad riding on the Makgadikgadi Pans

Grandparents and their grandkiddos

Sleeping in the pans under the stars and being warmed by the fire

Waking up to the moon setting and sun rising…spectacular

My love 

Traditional home

Donkey cart

GBC kids Friday ministry

GBC kids Friday Ministry

Grammy always makes the most amazing bags and gives the kids we work with some special goodies 

Although it was a little early, Ellie wanted to celebrate her birthday with family 

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