Monday, August 10, 2020

To Mask or Not to Mask


To mask or not to mask...that is the question. I know this is a hot topic right now and I am NOT posting this to say one side or the other is right or wrong. Here in Botswana, we have been wearing masks since lockdown ended in early May. Masks are actually mandatory here when going outside your home and you are fined if you are caught without one. Yes, it was quite uncomfortable in the beginning and I literally thought I was going to pass out the first time I went to the store, but we have learned a few things over the months that might be helpful:

1. Bradyn is asthmatic so I have been overly cautious with him. It helps for him to wear a ‘Buff’ as it allows him a little more room to breathe. My kids both wear buffs to school as it is the most comfortable option for them. I know this is not the double or triple layer that is recommended but still provides protection. 

2. Let the kids pick some fun materials and they will enjoy wearing their masks more. I HATE sewing but have used needle and thread to hand sew some masks for my kids and Taylor has even seen a mask. Lots of mask patterns are available online but our favorite is the ‘Olson’ mask.

3. Ellie is 2 and she even will wear a mask. You can use either elastic to fit just behind their ears OR we have found tying Tshirt material as string on the mask to tie behind the head is very comfortable and is easy to tie and untie. 

4. Taylor wears glasses so she has the problem of them fogging up. The ‘buff’ is the best option for her but if she does wear a traditional mask, she rolls up a piece of tissue and puts it just under the nose portion and it lies across the top of her nose and goes over her cheeks and eleininates fogging up. 

Hope this helps gives some tips and tricks we have learned. Thankfully we have had a low number of cases of Covid19 here in Botswana and I think masks have really helped to protect ourselves and those we come in contact with. Stay safe ❤️

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