Saturday, May 30, 2020

Village Tithe

What does 10% of your income look like when you live in the village with little to no income and only your land to farm. In the village with Pastor Thokwane, it is always amazing to see how he is taken care of. While we are giving out food hampers to the those in need it was amazing to see how they in turn tried to give of what they had harvested from their land.  As my truck was starting to get emptied of food hampers, I noticed that almost every yard we went to visit that Pastor Thokwane received a tithe of some sort. Pastor was given corn for his chickens, meat, beans, maze meal, and melons. It’s amazing to see how the village can take care of this pastor. While not having money to give they can give what they have – to be a blessing to a man that is such a blessing to others. How can you tithe during these times? Could it be time, resources, or even skills to help further the Gospel? Or it might even be some melons to give to your neighbors. 

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