Saturday, July 13, 2024

Ellie’s surgery

 Our sweet Ellie had to have surgery in late June is put grommets/tubes in her ears and have her adenoids removed. She was such a trooper! She had a pretty rough recovery but is doing so much better now. It’s so hard to watch your little ones not feeling good.

I am so thankful for a company that values the medical needs of its employees and gets us the care we need and where we need it.

Taylor made her packages to open

Before surgery

Ellie didn’t feel like doing a lot so we played lots of games. 

Once she felt better she picked out 2 special Barbies for doing so well. 

I got to visit with some dear friends while we were in Johannesburg having the surgery. They all helped me out so much in getting items we needed and just being with us. 

I love my friend Allison and she and her son Hunter went to a little local fair with us. 

And of course we had to get cotton candy 

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