Thursday, July 25, 2024

Day 12-Freiburg, Germany

We took the bus (#55) from Kandern to Basel Bad Bf (45 minutes) and then hopped the train from Basel Bad Bf to Freiburg (45 minutes). All of this is covered under our KONUS card that we received from our Airbnb. 

Freiburg was such an amazing day of exploring. 

Bächle-They have little streams of water  running on the sides of the streets and most people get little wooden boats and sail them down the stream and of course we had to participate. One popular legend says that if you accidentally step into a Bächle, you will end up marrying someone from Freiburg 

The Freiburg cathedral was absolutely stunning and even had the organ playing.  We got a traditional bratwurst for lunch from a food cart and it was so yummy. We had so much fun admiring the beautiful architecture and the amazing cuckoo clocks produced in this region. 

What an amazing last full day to top off the journey. So thankful to have Chloe with me to explore with, she has been such a JOY and has proven to be the most amazing world traveler in figuring out our transport.  Taylor and our head back home now and although it’s been an amazing journey, we can’t wait to see the rest of the family ❤️

Old train station in Kandern where we caught our bus

Of course Chloe had to have her pic at the Chloe restaurant

I bought boats for Bradyn and Ellie and we had to play with them in the streams of course. 

Beautiful fountains where you can get fresh water to refill your bottles 

Freiburg Cathedral

The cathedral was so ornate in every detail and the organ system was unbelievable 

Organ pipes in the cathedral

I loved all of the stained glass windows located throughout the cathedral

The beautiful sounds from the organ

These cuckoo clocks are so fun and such detail in each one. 

We had to get a traditional sausage/Bratwurst from a food truck

So delicious

Walking the streets with the Bachle running through each of them

Loved this store and how they sold their pasta 

Rainbow pinwheels

Our boats to sail through the streets

The race 😊

Thanks, Germany! You have been amazing 


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