Monday, September 16, 2024

20th anniversary ❤️

Brent and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary on August 14. We were traveling in northern Botswana with Brent’s family for our 20th, so we booked a couples cruise on the Chobe River and went and enjoyed a wonderful dinner together. So thankful for our marriage ❤️

Ellie’s card for us ❤️

Happy 7thBirthday, Ellie 🎈

Our sweet Ellie turned 7 years old on Sep 7…yep it was her golden birthday. We were in Johannesburg for her actual birthday, so we did a really fun Total Ninja course with friends. Nice we got home, she had a party with her school friends and had a blast celebrating her 🎉 

Total Ninjas

Ellie was super great at this…until she wasn’t. Watch video below 😂

On birthdays kids can forego wearing their uniform and wear their home clothes. She also take cupcakes for her class. 

Birthday party with friends (balloon toss)

Happy 7th birthday to our Ellie


Prayer Retreat 2024

We hosted a Prayer Retreat for teammates Sep 1-6. What an amazing time we all had together. We walked through several lessons from the ‘When You Pray’ series by lifeway and had such precious time with Jesus.  Our kids were loved on and ministered to by 2 volunteers from NC and we had some fun team building time in the afternoons. 


Rift Valley Academy

Taylor decided that she wanted to attend boarding school to complete high school, so she is attending Rift Valley Academy to complete her 12th grade year. We dropped her off in August and she is loving school and all of her friends she has made.  We miss her loads, but are at peace for where God has her ❤️

Heading to the airport

Long way away

We visited the giraffe center in Nairobi and had some fun before we had to report to orientation

Giraffe kisses are slobbery

Photo bomb

Touring school

Beautiful campus

The facilities at school are beautiful

Taylor’s dorm is on the left. 

Her room before

Her dorm mom and her 2 dogs

The dorm living room area

Taylors room all set up 

Her Ellie wall as you exit her room

Her hearts from the kids at GBC

Visiting the Duka (local grocery store) 

What a beautiful campus

Kenya 🇰🇪 

We sat on this swing overlooking the Rift Valley and spent our last few hours together before I had to depart. 

Watching her walk away out the back window was tough but knowing she is where God wants her provided peace. 

Visit from family ❤️

We were so excited to welcome Brent’s parents and our nephew Ian in August 🎉

Termite mound climbing

Walks in the bush

Enjoying a drive on the salt pans

This may be the last time daddy can toss this now 7 year old

Hand stands in the sunset

Our cabin at Nata Lodge

Elephant Sands stopover for breakfast 

Chobe River sunset

Getting gifts for family 

Boat cruise

My beautiful girl

Victoria Falls

Flying Fox-zip lining over Vic Falls

Our brave Ellie girl

Sunsets in Africa are epic

Fishing and Grandad caught a little Tiger fish

Bradyn caught a massive catfish

Fishing fun

Meerkats ❤️

Quad riding on the Makgadikgadi Pans

Grandparents and their grandkiddos

Sleeping in the pans under the stars and being warmed by the fire

Waking up to the moon setting and sun rising…spectacular

My love 

Traditional home

Donkey cart

GBC kids Friday ministry

GBC kids Friday Ministry

Grammy always makes the most amazing bags and gives the kids we work with some special goodies 

Although it was a little early, Ellie wanted to celebrate her birthday with family