Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Urban Conference-Francistown


Brent recently traveled to Francistown, Botswana and helped conduct a Urban Conference. We have two main cities in Botswana-Gaborone and Francistown. Many folks are moving from the villages to work and live in the cities so we are readjusting our way we reach people in our cities and teaching others.


Above: We have found that teaching the two paths story from Matthew 7 really works here in getting people to associate which path they are on and how Jesus prepared the way for them to get to the narrow path.

Family Fun

Was going through the phone pictures and found some fun ones that I thought I would post.


Above: Brent and Bradyn riding their bikes in our neighborhood.

Below: Bradyn found this awesome mask in South Africa


Above: Visiting with friends while in South Africa. Madylanne and Taylor have been best friends since 2 years old.

Below: Bradyn slipped and fell into a puddle behind our house after a big rain.


Above: I know most of you in the States have been freezing, well it was our summer and we were burning up as you can see on our thermometer above.

Below: Bradyn ready to go work at the church in cleaning the plot.


Race time

I have to admit that I do not “love” running, but I have gotten in to it over the past 4 years to try to lose the baby weight after my kiddos and also so I can enjoy all of those yummy foods I really love to eat! I also find when I run I just am able to process things a bit better in my day, so running overall is very good for me. In January I started training for my first ever half marathon…13 miles or 21 kilometers. I thoughts this an impossible task and oh it was a lot of running but on March 22 I was able to complete the half marathon in 2 hours and 34 minutes. It was a huge accomplishment with many many sore muscles for 2 days but am finally on the mend.


Above: 10km run in February

Below: 21km run in March


So thankful for great friends to run with!

Village Work

Here is a look into a couple of the villages we work in. If you or your church would like to come partner alongside of us let us know!


We do a weekly bible study in this area just outside of Gaborone. Brent found this chameleon walking on the road on our way our to the village one day and rescued him.



Brent goes out every 2 weeks to this village which is about 2 hours outside of the city with some national friends and pastors to do evangelism and discipleship. We really see the Lord moving here and Cool Spring Baptist Church in Virginia is partnering with us to reach this village.



This village is about 10-11 hours north of our city. Currently there is one small Baptist church in this area, so we try to visit and encourage them when possible. We could use you in reaching this village!


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Sunday School Teaching

You would think being a missionary that I (Amanda) would be able to stand in front of a large group and speak with confidence and not get nervous…well this is certainly not the case! I can stand in front of 100 children and teach a bible story and not think a thing of it, but when I am asked to teach adults the butterflies literally start coming for 2 weeks prior to the event. I was recently asked to speak at our church on a Saturday and teach a class on teaching Sunday School. As nervous as I was, the Lord certainly gave me the strength to get through it. We all learned a little about ourselves and the “gifts” the Lord has given each of us.


Date night

We sure do love our kids so much if you haven’t been able to tell from previous posts. Recently we were able to split up and take each of our kids on their own overnight date. We have only stayed in a couple of hotels in our life, but Bradyn LOVES hotels. He literally saves his money, not for toys, but for a hotel. We had a free night at a local hotel in our city, so Brent took Bradyn on his own special date to the hotel for the night. Taylor and I went out to dinner with the boys and then came back to the house and watched a movie until late. It was so much fun and we love making memories with these sweet kids!


Taylor recently lost another tooth too!

Below: Boys at the hotel



A peacock joined us for dinner!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Bible Study

I had the privilege of going to a bible study with one of my co-workers here in Gaborone. It was so amazing to see how God is working in the life of the young woman she is discipling. She told me of how her life has completely changed since she started studying God’s Word. May I not forget His power to change lives!!


Youth Party

We recently had the youth  from our church over to hang out and to also celebrate the birthday of Sets (25 years) and Shima (30 years). “Youth” here is considered anyone who is finished with high school and is not yet married. Brent spoke on I Corinthians 13, we had delicious food cooked by the young women, and played a game of Pictionary. We had such a fun time with everyone and love this group of young adults!