Thursday, September 29, 2011

Visit from the Wint’s

Our dear friends the Wint’s live in Western Zambia and we were so blessed to have them come to stay with us for a week for their vacation on September 19-25 . We went through missionary training with them back in 2009 and the moment our girls met each other they were the best of friends. They still have such a bond that is just so sweet and they will be friends for life. We each had baby boys this last year so of course they are going to have to be friends as well. We love our friends the Wint’s and we are so glad they came to visit.


Above: Madylanne and Taylor playing in our climbing tree

Below: Matthew and Bradyn playing together



The Warner’s joined us for a bonfire and pizza



These girls love each other so much!



Above: The girls painted shirts and had a great time

Below: Melynda and her sweet baby Matthew



Above:The girls enjoyed running in the sprinkler and then making mud

Below: The girls celebrated their birthday together even though they both turned 4 in June.IMG_0676


Mark and Brent went hunting one day and Mark was able to get a warthog

Remembering September 11

The US Embassy here in Botswana sent all Americans residing here in Botswana an invitation to come and have a remembrance ceremony for 10 years remembering the victims of September 11. So we all dressed up in our Red, White, and Blue and headed to the US Embassy where a tree and plaque were placed in the Embassy gardens in remembrance. It was so nice to be with other Americans to remember this day that brought so many of us together 10 years ago. Pictures were not allowed inside the grounds of the Embassy so we took some shots of the kids beforehand at our house.




Taylor’s preschool letters

We started working with Taylor about 9 months ago on her letters. She now can say the sound of each letter and is learning to read. Her first word she could read was “FUN”. Below are her letters that we just completed. It was so much fun doing these with her and seeing her learn so much. She is also learning a memory verse with each letter of the alphabet. We are so proud of her!


A=Alligator and Apple; B=Bumblebee and Beach Ball; C=Crab and Clouds; D=Dinosaur and Dad.


E=Elephant; F=Fox and Fish bowl; G=Goat; H=House


I=Iguana; J=Jaguar; K=Kangaroo and Kite; L=Lion; M=Mouse


N=Nest; O=Ostrich; P=Penguin; Q=Queen


R=Rabbit; S=Snake; T=Two Tigers and Turtle; U=Unicorn


V=Vulture; W=Wally the Walrus with a Wig and Whale; X=X-ray


Y=Yawning Yak; Z=Zebra

Monday, September 5, 2011

Dress girl

Taylor is into wearing dresses everyday now. So Nana and Pop’s package came just in time this past Friday bearing 2 beautiful dresses and some fun hair clips. Thanks so much, Nana and Pop for Taylor’s package. She loved it!





BGR Kits for Kids

Back-to-school shopping requires little more than a trip to the store for most American families. But even basic school supplies like pencils, notebooks and erasers are hard to come by - and nearly impossible to afford - for many families living in poverty around the world.

That's why Baptist Global Response is sponsoring the "Kits for Kids" campaign -- and why LifeWay Christian Resources is featuring Kits for Kids as its 2011 Vacation Bible School mission project. It's a unique opportunity to help equip a child with the tools they need to get an education. It's also a chance for families to teach their children what it means to love others by helping needy kids.

Number of Kits Assembled: 6240
Kits Requested: 331,842

Kits for Kids is simple. Church groups and families across the United States assemble "kits" of basic school supplies and drop them in the mail. Then, using its global network of national partners, Baptist Global Response distributes the kits to families in dozens of countries around the globe.

"Kits for Kids" shopping list:

  • 5 Composition notebooks (non-spiral, hardback)
  • 1 Ruler (with metrics)
  • 1 Zippered pencil case
  • 6 Blue ink pens
  • 6 No. 2 pencils
  • 2 Pencil sharpeners
  • 2 or 3 Regular-sized glue sticks
  • 2 Pink erasers
  • 1 box of 12-count colored pencils
  • 1 Pair of safety scissors
  • Pack your kit!
    - Place all the items for each kit in a 2.5 gallon plastic slide-lock bag
    - Include a kit label for each bag, either printed on paper and placed inside the bag or printed as a sticker and placed on the outside of the bag. (See resources: kit labels).
    - Please do not include items in the kit that are not on the list; the contents need to be similar for each child who receives a kit
    - Box your kits securely, with adequate padding, and ship to the address below

    Ship your kit!
    The deadline for shipping your kits is Oct. 31, 2011.

    Address your package to:
    Baptist Global Response
    c/o A & O Services
    2109 Loumour Avenue
    Richmond, VA 23230-4109
    Phone: (804) 219-1505 

    Warehouse Information
    Warehouse Staff:
    Gill Todd and Frank Mack
    Warehouse Hours:
    Monday - Friday (8am-4pm)

    Please visit the following website for all the information you need: