Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father’s Day

Ellie made the sweetest cards for Brent for Father’s Day so I had to share ❤️

Hide and seek 😂


 A young man approached me yesterday after church and asked ‘Are you Amanda?’ I could recognize a bit a familiarity in his face, but I couldn’t quite place how I knew him. He then told me ‘my name is Boyce, you lead me to the Lord in 2013’. As I probed further, he was one of the kids we minister to each Friday and his face as a young boy 10+ years ago became so familiar to me. He shared that he still follows the Lord today. 

We are not always privileged to get to see the results of all the Lord does in the lives of people we share Christ with, but what a blessing it was to see this young man and the impact children’s ministry had on his life. 

Serve Day

June 8 Serve Day at Gaborone Baptist Church is a day we all come together and celebrate the life of Sarah Harmening and serve as she would have as she loved Jesus so much. #servelikesarah

If you want to read more about Sarah’s life you can see our blog post from 7 years ago.

You can also order a copy of ‘Sifted’ written by Sarah’s mom, @karenharmening . It will help fund a Bereaved Parents Event here in Botswana in December. Sifted: Diary of a Grieving Mother


We love getting to hang out with the high schoolers who attend Fusion each month. 2 1/2 years ago, we started with 15 students and have grown to 60+ students.  What a blessing it is to be able to speak into their lives and share Jesus with them ❤️

A team from Providence Church brought 9 square and the kids love it so much. 

Lego walk-addressing anxiety